Stats Update – Feb 2019

It’s time for a statistics update, if not for our followers, at least for us as a reminder of what we have achieved so far. Overall we are thrilled, there are days when we could throttle each other, and days when the heat has got the better of us or the boys are out of sorts but overall we have absolutely loved it. We have met some wonderful people, some will be friends for life. I haven’t worn long sleeves since June 25, 2018 – do I feel like I want to see snow? Nope I don’t…

Number Of Days Since We Left New Zealand

230 Days

Best Locations:

One of many stunning beaches in Koh Lanta

Ian; 1) Koh Lanta, 2) Siem Reap

Kristi: 1) Koh Lanta, 2) Siem Reap

Lara: Koh Lanta

The boys: Who knows, they are enjoying everywhere but as of today they have new Paw Patrol beds at Nana’s waiting for them so probably still Nana’s house.

Distance Traveled By Air

45,102 K’s (28,025 miles)

Number Of Flights Taken


Number Of Boat Transfers


Distance Travelled By Road

10,090 K’s (6,270 Miles)

Number Of Countries Visited


Number Of Continents Visited


Number Of Cities Visited


Number of different beds slept in:

28 including 2 aircraft seats

Items lost to date:

Camera, Kids sunglasses, Swimming Goggles, Swimsuit

Items Found to date;

The camera

Number of Boo Boo’s

Endless, worst is Charlie ripping his toe nail off and Ashton ripping his finger nail off. Lara has survived everything without so much as an upset stomach. Charlie is not doing so good at the moment with a mild bout of Pneumonia.

Lost Luggage

Not yet, fingers crossed

Delayed Flights

Not yet, fingers crossed

Best Moments

Diving in Thailand and The Philippines, an amazing underwater world

Missed You Nana

Seeing Nana in Cebu

Enjoying and settling into working at the orphanage

Budget Tracking

Slightly ahead of the budget, but Europe is looming.. yikes

Everyday isn’t easy when it is 24/7 and twin 2 year olds, but for me when I get to spend another almost 3,000 hours this year that I would have lost to work with the family and see these kids grow it is incredible and well worth it. The boys vocabulary is coming on and Lara is now becoming a young lady and looking at high school…wow!

Next blog soon, Pam in Paradise…..

2 thoughts on “Stats Update – Feb 2019

    1. admin

      Thanks Jules, it is certainly a very humbling experience. We have just finished at the Orphanage and it was very touching and pleasing…… for their blog soon.

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