Kids Fun Update – Week 7

Sharing the kids fun

From dancing on the beach in San Diego, to ATV riding in the Arizona desert, we feel it was time to share the enormous amount of fun our three kids have given us on our first 7 weeks of our travels.

All three kids are in their element on the beach, we really miss the sand and San Diego did not disappoint.

Seeing the joy on their faces has underlined just what a right decision this has been. I would have missed almost every one of their “firsts” being at work and I really am glad I missed none at all.

Dad I am going to eat this sand!! Ha Ha
Daddy, Charlie is eating sand again, over there look!
My Turn
Mommy is the tide pool queen

Lara has always been a water baby and her brothers will not be far behind her.

We have many highlights in our first 7 weeks and one that has been amazing is the boys ability to take to the water and learn to swim. Ashton now has full confidence in the pool and can even swim a length. What a super star!

Both boys want to play jumping in and have no fear at all.

Arizona monsoon season has been upon us and after quick bursts of rain and terrific lightning it leaves these great mud pools in the desert, so time to get out the ATVs.

The muddier the better says Lara.

Check out the Paw Patrol gear including gloves, where is mine?

Our first lightning strikes – WOW Daddy!

Birthday in June brought our first bikes, and we are off!! Not sure where but they love them.

Lara has started her Te Kura New Zealand correspondence school with an awesome attitude. It has been fun doing the chemistry experiments.

Pepsi explodes when you insert Mentos!

The boys got to learn so many new words: popcorn, cookie, pool, scooter, storm, ray ray (rain), hat, balloon, night night Lara, bean, shoer (shoe), guitar, drum, cold, hot, warm, whole,  and many more.

Mr Mike, a family friend gave the boys a close up of his plane and they were in their element, especially Charlie.

After a trip to the children’s museum they were able to play at their favorite things, Fireman, Ambulance driver, Locomotive driver, Surgeon and a free shopping spree.






Smiles and kisses made our hearts melt.

And in case all this was not enough our kids are now becoming true Americans, Starbucks sign and McDonalds are now “Num Nums” (food) and we have not even been inside a McDonalds, which cannot be said for our favorite coffee destination.

Having “num nums” in Starbucks with Mommy & Daddy
Starbucks Num Nums with Sissy





9 thoughts on “Kids Fun Update – Week 7

  1. Anne

    Fabulous! You guys are really enjoying every opportunity. You will always treasure this time and these adventures. Good for you!

  2. Carol & Dave Smith

    Loved watching the videos and seeing all the photos. Amazing how they are riding bikes without trainers…… looks like you are living the dream and good on you……. take care on your next leg of your adventures. xxx

    1. admin

      Thanks Carol, we are now in Oregon heading south into Northern California and the Red wood forests. Kristi is showing me where she grew up as we come back up the west cost into Oregan. X

  3. Florence Walker

    The twins really look like little boys now. I loved seeing all of your adventures! You have a beautiful family! Is Lara almost as tall as you, Kristi? I am coming to Arizona in October, but I know I will miss you.

    1. admin

      Thank you! She is definitely getting closer to my height, she wears the same size shoes as me now!! I think we may still be there when you are in AZ. 🙂

  4. Sindy - Mum

    Just been watching the video ad photographs. They were lovely and my goodness the boys are growing fast and you must be very proud of their achievements. Particularly liked the pictures taken at the Childrens Museum. Caught a couple of shorts od Lara, now a young lady. Hope all goes well with her correspondence course . I noticed Dad got out the boys toys and Lara had a good time having a mud bath. Take care in he Red Woods. Will there be any bears. Watch Yokey Bear doesn’t pinch your picnic basket. Please keep the blogs coming. Love Mum xxxx

    1. admin

      Thanks Jules, hope the new school year goes great for the kids and the season is a good one for the Reds. Stay in touch x

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