Imperial Sand Dunes – Yuma – San Diego

Interstate I8 from Yuma AZ to San Diego CA shows off California’s largest sand dunes, travels to 4000 ft through rocky mountains and comes within a breath of the Mexican border.

In temperatures touching 50 degrees C, traveling on our journey to San Diego along i8 from Arizona we were amazed by the beauty of our surroundings and the many interesting sights.

Firstly, we did not know that the i8 goes right through the fabulous Imperial sand dunes recreational area. the dunes run for about 45 miles and are part of the Algodones dunes. Locals use these dunes for personal recreation including many off road, sand buggies. take a look at

The dunes also form part of the Mexican border and you will travel through a few of  the border patrol check points on the US side on the way towards the coast and one coming back, just smile and wave, smile and wave. There are no hold ups to this quick check to see if there is anyone hiding in your car.

Exciting to see too is the Mexican wall, you know California had done their part to several election promises, here below you will see the black fence and not sure, but it looked like in some places a “no man’s land”. In 120+ degrees F you would ever wonder why people would even try to walk into the USA across such land mass and then we both commented if they did then those people’s lives force them to need to try. The sadness then creeps in to how unlucky they have to be and how GOD has dealt us such a fortunate card in life.

After the breath-taking sand dunes comes the break taking climb up to the highest point of the Interstate, some 4,000ft+. The drive towards the coast is definitely the most exciting. The climb seems to go on forever and at this temperature I was watching the needle of our engine temperature head East towards HOT! There are even road signs advising the air conditioning to be switched off to help with the engine not overheating. So as the needle travelled to the right I switched off the air conditioning in 50 degree C heat for the next ten miles. Noticing ever 200 meters or so pull in areas with free radiator water I was starting to wonder if our Dodge was going to need a drink, thankfully it didn’t. 

After the wind turbines during the climb the scenery suddenly changed into rocks galore. The question then was. “How did these rocks all get here like this, look some are even balancing on top of one another?” Of course, then our bright 11 year old pipes up from the third row of seats. “All of this used to be under water”. Remembering that her meeting with an American Professor at Auckland Uni told her that this was where she had found her most interesting fossil, and it was a sea fossil and she was in this area of California. 

The almost coast down from 4,o00 ft into San Diego was lovely and watching the temperature almost drop 20 degrees F we were somewhat pleased.

If you ever get the chance to ride to San Diego and you are inland from Arizona, make sure it is Interstate 8 and you will not be disappointed. Allow plenty of time to stop and take photos, we unfortunately didn’t. 

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