Cebu & Bohol Philippines 5* Paradise With Nana…

After being away from all things familiar including family for three months we were excited to leave Kampot and meet up with Nana in Cebu City in The Philippines. To be quite honest we would have been excited to leave Kampot to go anywhere after that dump, but, as we were going to see Nana we were extra specially excited…………and so was she. Nana was coming for three weeks and we decided the first week would be a spoil, in the 5 Star Crimson resort in Cebu.

Someone else had missed her, little Charlie decided he wasn’t going to let her go again….Watch how many times in this blog he is close to her.


The beautiful 5 star Crimson was introduced to Kristi and I in March last year by our lovely friend Jules Lewis of Derive Vacations as a destination for our fifth wedding anniversary and we loved it so much we wanted to return.

Acres of luxury, three stunning pools, lovely man-made beach, kids area for the boys and plenty to do and once you are inside the food and drinks menu were extremely reasonable.

Last time we had a cliff top villa with a private pool as a spoil, this time it was double inter-connecting rooms for a great price.

We arrived very late and Nana was there waiting. With gifts and a host of things we had asked her to bring including 25 pairs of flip flops and hairbrushes for the kids at the orphanage we were going to be helping at. The boys face was a picture, they couldn’t stop bouncing on her. At nearly midnight and after a 17 hour flight that was just what she needed!!

With a buffet breakfast fit for a king included it was a hit every morning with Lara. There was not much they didn’t have and the free iced coffees were a welcome treat.

The week was spent with a ton of fun, and even more chilling out. The Crimson zone play area was a super play area we could drop the boys into and with cared play, climbing, trampoline and crafts for them to do. It was not too long that the only words from their little mouths were “play ground, play ground”.

Mixed with a full size kiddies pool and plenty of flowing water and sunshine, each day was ultra relaxing and super fun. Even Nemo made an appearance and Ashton could not let him go.

Even night time had plenty to do too, muggins here noticed that one of the five or so restaurants had a new purpose built, sound proof Karaoke room. For a mear $20 or so worth of dinner you could hire the room for free. You know when words come out of your mouth that you think are cool and fun to say and then you think “Why did I say that?” inside your head. This was one of those moments for me. Everyone says “yes. yes” let’s do it, with Kristi being at the front of the line to go in. The boys had a blast, Lara was shy, Pam did good too, I think I was average and probably would have got three red X’s from the judges. Kristi on the other hand!!!

Night times were relaxing, happy hours at 5.30 meant a lot of time for Kristi and I to talk without the need to bounce a little guy on our knees. Entertainment was also provided each night in one form or another. The boys’ favorite was definitely the fire throwers. Look where Charlie is again.

After a week of luxury it was off to the Panglao Island via Bohol. But not before the foam party!! Lara’s favourite bit of the week and well worth waiting for. The main pool area was turned into a giant foam pool

The journey to Bohol meant a ferry from Cebu and turning up with an hour to spare was not wise. It was chaos, people everywhere trying to get their island ferry. The line for tickets was around the block and I quickly maneouvered Nana into the senior citizen line. Ten minutes later we were set to go. The trip lasted 2 hours.

When you are travelling so much and to so many different places you always know that one of your booked Air B&B’s is going to be not what you expect, not this one. We had wonderful accommodation in Alona beach. A brand new two story, two bedroom apartment with a stunning pool that included a big toddler pool and we still had two weeks left with Nana.

Two weeks goes very fast when you’re having fun and in paradise. We were walking distance to Alona beach and it was beautiful. Us three new divers put in our order for two dives while we had the chance of free child care and looked forward to the experince (next blog).

Alona Beach Fun

We planned a few day trips around some attractions so that Pam didn’t miss out. In typical Nana style we did about 90% of them in one day! If was a long day but lots of fun.

The tour started with a visit to the oldest church in Bohol, saved in the recent earthquake. Then off to the Tarsiers the tiniest little monkeys you could ever see. They were incredibly cute.

Now before I go any further on this day trip, here is my gripe! What is it with Asian countries and their public conveniences? Firstly we Westerners decide to visit these countries with rich and tasty food that sometimes don’t agree with certain parts of our insides, so we need these conveniences to be working right when we need them. Today was a bad day. I needed one and one fast. But I have issues, for example I can’t use a bathroom directly after someone else. The thought of sitting on a warm seat really freaks me out, comment if you agree and I believe I am not the only one here. It is bad enough in the USA where there seems to be a federal law that all toilet cubicles must have a half inch gap around the doors so you can see out and of course others can see in when they walk past, what is that all about?? Here in Asia, in particular the Philippines, there is a complete lack of everything. We (I) need the basics, a toilet seat for example, if certain cultures would stop standing on them, maybe, just maybe they would be there when we need them and not broken, best we get is a super loose one that when you sit on it, it scoots 90 degrees to the left and throws you off!! You need toilet paper right? Wrong, the Philippines think you can just use a shower hose attachment up your behind and call it good.

So here I am (this is Ian writing by the way), desperate… Toilet one, no seat, toilet two, no paper, toilet three no seat or paper, toilet four nothing again. Ah! Toilet five paper and seat in tack, excellent. I run in drop the pants turn around and what do I see? Oh yes, THE most important item we all need when doing our business, no bloody door!! Ahhhhh.

Gripe over but when traveling, take hand soap, toilet paper and if you can fit it in your back pack may try taking a door with you. Expect to sit on the porceline.

Next stop was the butterfly, snake and bird farm, Lara was thrilled to have a cobra wrap himself around her neck. Not me thanks. The boys enjoyed seeing butterflies land on their arms and heads and also have the wild parrots close to them.

Next stop was the Chocolate hills, the most famous of the attractions in Bohol, an area of 1260 hills, all a similar size and depending on what time of the year just look like chocolate drops. It was really pretty, full of tourists all pulling a V for victory sign but beautiful.

Then lastly was the river cruise including lunch. A 90 minute cruise enjoying the river banks, traditional dancing and a lovely meal.

After such a long day the boys were exhausted and glad of the 90 minute drive back, they could take a well earned nap.

After this day there was not that much more to do or was there? The best was probably yet to come. Hinagdanan Cave was close to the resort and we did not know what to expect, but we had heard it was safe for swimming.
It is a naturally lighted cavern with a deep lagoon and many large stalactites and stalagmites. The cave is lit by sunlight which filters through holes in the ceiling. An amazing cave with a beautiful swimming hole and ledges to jump off. We spent over an hour here, relaxing, swimming and having fun. A definite worth while visit for any tourist on Panglao Island.

Our last two organized trips with Pam were to see the famous fireflies at night but unfortunately the wee guys were too small and it was too dark to get any pictures. The other trip was to see two of many waterfalls on Bohol. Nana was a star, jumping in, giving piggy back rides and Lara really enjoyed the waterfall area for hanging around and diving off.

It was almost time for Nana to go, one more quick seafood dinner on the beach with Lobster as a treat and then we were saying goodbye. Lara tried to convince her to take her back to Arizona for awhile with her, but alas Nana was off by herself. We were delighted that she would appear again in Croatia in June. The issue with her leaving is that every time the boys see a plane coming into land now they say “Nana on plane?”

Thanks for coming Nana, we love you and miss you, see you in June xx

One thought on “Cebu & Bohol Philippines 5* Paradise With Nana…

  1. Pamela Fister

    Wonderful trip and pictures. You left out laundry stories. I am still picking out the bits of yarn from my clothes. Love you.

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